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The Observations of John Larkin - April,
of our endowment listed is what bloomed from mid-March to April 10th.
Bracketed numbers = months in bloom.
- Amsonia ludoviciana
(La.), Blue Star- Perennial herb to 2 ½’ - grows in small colonies.
Alternate leaves to 4" long, 1 1/4-2" wide.3/4" light
blue flowers in terminal clusters. Rare in La. and very rare globally.
- Callirhoe papaver, Poppy-mallow
- Perennial from carrot-like tubers, flowers 1 1/2-2", red cup-shaped,
on trailing plant.
- Chionanthus virginica, Fringetree - Large shrub with deciduous leaves, flowers white,
petals 1" long, 1/16" wide, giving a fluffy appearance.
- Cornus florida, Flowering
Dogwood. (2)
- Erigeron philadephicus, Daisy
Fleabane - Biennial or short-lived perennial, to 30" tall,
many 3/4" flowers with white ray flowers (about 150) and bright
yellow discs (centers).
- Fothergilla major, Witch
Alder - Small shrub to 60" tall, with deeply toothed leaves
3-4" long, 2 to 3" wide. Flowers white with many stamens,
Mimosa-like, appearing before the leaves. Rare.
Endangered. (Native Shrubs
& Woody Vines of S. E., Foote & Jones.)
- Houstonia patens, Bluets.
Tiny 1/4" blue flowers. (2)
- Hypoxis hirsuta, Yellow
Stargrass. 3/4", six- petalled flowers, low growing.
- Krigia
dandelion - Perennial herb, 1" yellow flowers on 10" stems.
Male flowers are slightly larger and fuller than the female.
- K. virginica, is the tiny, 1/4" double, yellow, low growing flower.
- Malus angustifolia, Southern
Crabapple - Small tree with many 1"
delicate pink flowers. Doris Jenkins Pettit gave cuttings to friends,
which took.
- Oenothera speciosa, Showy
Evening Primrose - Perennial herb 12 to 18"
tall, 3" pink or white cup-shaped flowers. March to June. (2).
- Phlox divaricata, P.pilosa
and a purple one are in bloom.
- Rosa laevigata, Cherokee Rose.
- 31/2" white, high climbing.
- Salvia Iyrata, Lyre-leaved Sage
- Perennial numerous blue flowers in whorls, on 1 to 5 square stems.
Colonies are looking great on our roadsides.
- Sisyrinchium capillare, Blue-eyed
Grass - 3/4" blue flowers.
- Ranunculus fascicularis &
R. muricatus are still blooming. (2)
- Tradescantia virginiana, Spiderwort
- Perennial herb, l' tall, blue; pink or white flowers with grass-like
- Verbena rigida, Stiff Verbena
- Perennial trailing, low growing with purple flower clusters.
April, 1996 Blooms (Adobe PDF)